10 Cross Stitch FAQs
1. What is cross stitch?
Cross stitch is a form of embroidery where you create the stitches by laying one diagonal on top of another in the opposite direction. Think of each stitch as a pixel, gradually building up a picture with different coloured floss. Designs are available in wide range of styles and subjects so there really is something for anyone who wants to take up the hobby.
2. What floss should I use?
Cross stitch is usually worked with 8-metre skeins of 6-stranded embroidery floss. Snip off a length of floss that reaches from your fingers to your elbow and then separate two of the strands. Put these two strands together and thread them into your needle.
3. What fabric should I use?
The best fabric to start with a type of fabric called aida. The most common type of aida used in cross stitch is 14-count. This means that there are 14 stitches per inch. Aida is available in a wide range of colours and is more affordable than other types of embroidery fabric.
4. What type of needles should I use?
Embroidery is usually worked with tapestry needles. Theses have a blunt tip which won’t snag the floss or fabric. The needles you find in most kits are size 24 which is the perfect size for 14-count aida. If you’re working on 16- or 18-count aida, size 26 needles are better as they are slightly smaller and won’t stretch the holes.
5. What are hoops for?
Embroidery hoops are optional but they can help you keep the tension of your fabric even. The hoops have two parts; an inner ring and an outer ring, which has a screw. Separate the two rings by loosening the screw. Place your fabric over the inner ring, making sure it is roughly centred. Then place the outer ring over the top and tighten it by turning the screw. You want to make sure the fabric is secure in the hoop but don’t tighten it too much as you may end up with permanent creases.
6. Where can I buy supplies from?
If you have a craft shop near you they will normally stock kits, fabric, floss and other accessories. In the UK, high street retailers like The Range and Hobbycraft stock cross stitch supplies and kits. Most supermarkets stock cross stitch magazines which often have small free kits with them.
There are also various places online where you can buy as few or as many supplies as you need. One of my favourite places is Lakeside Needlecraft. Not only can I recommend their high quality service, having bought numerous supplies from there, I have collaborated with them on two cross stitch design booklets. I can guarantee that they love cross stitch and know how to hook you up with everything you need.
7. How do I read a pattern?
Reading a cross stitch pattern is not as intimidating as it might seem when you look at one for the first time. Every square on the pattern represents one stitch. The pattern key tells you which symbols correspond to which colours. Start in the centre of your fabric, and follow the arrows on the chart to find the centre of the pattern. Pick a colour next to the centre and this is the colour you’ll start with.
8. How long does cross stitch take to do?
This depends on how experienced you with cross stitching. To begin with, you will need to concentrate more on getting every stitch right until you build up muscle memory. You are also more likely to make mistakes as a beginner and this will mean it takes you longer to complete your project. The more you stitch, the better you’ll get at it, and the quicker you’ll be able to work.
Don’t worry about taking a long time to do your project. What really matters is that you’re enjoying your hobby and improving your skills.
9. What do I do with the finished project?
Many cross stitch projects are works of art in their own right and look great displayed in frames or hoops. You can also make cushion covers, wall hangings, project bags, table cloths, greeting cards and many other items. It’s best to have an idea what you want to do with the design before you start the project. That way, you plan how mush fabric you’ll need along with any other supplies, such as backing fabric, bellpull ends, etc.
10. Why do people do cross stitch?
Cross stitch is a creative hobby that can have huge benefits. As with any creative craft, you have the satisfaction of making something from scratch that you can then display or gift to family or friends.
The gentle repetitive action of making the stitches can be a form of mindfulness, grounding you in the sensory experience of working with the fabric and threads. This can be hugely beneficial to your mental health.
It’s also a great way of expressing yourself. Find a project that resonates with you or have a go at designing something yourself.
Happy stitching!